How To Not Wear Black This Fall
By Betsy Garcete
Washington D.C.- Wearing black will never go out of style. The little black dress will always have a home in your wardrobe. Mhairi Graham, of Another, collected fashion's top ten quotes about wearing black, categorizing it as a :
“Colour of mystery and mortality, Anna Wintour hates it, while Abercrombie & Fitch banned employees from wearing it in their stores. For many though, black continues to be the anchor of style; a celebrated Gothicism and wardrobe staple.”
At ZOPHIA, we love black. However, we often encourage our clients to take risks and embrace colorful CEO skirts. We know that avoiding it can be overwhelming. So, we also recommend a textured black to start, usually a faux leather skirt to elevate the look. Lilly Bozzone of Verily Mag also lives by this helpful tip.
“A black-on-black outfit will look flat if you wear the same fabric from head to toe. Elements of leather, velvet, wool, embroidery, denim, or faux fur will add some dimension to your outfit while also creating a look of upscale luxury.”
Regardless of where you stand on either end of the spectrum, embracing brighter colors into your wardrobe is an art. This season we are very excited to share our black-less mood board for fall. We'll be adding two new swatches to our collection, copper faux leather and blended wool. We hope to have made a strong case for other hues on the color wheel this season. Stay tuned for the official launch of fall 2016!
For more details about custom CEO skirts and how to make appointments please email us at or visit our FIT page.